Adrian Connell |
We Will Remember Them (2015) Partitur, zgl. Chorpartitur M-2020-9820-2 |
On the workThis work was written for the Dartford Choir for use at their annual trips to Ypres in Belgium for the Armistice commemorations. The text I have set was suggested by my wife who has attended these events for the last fifteen years but I decided to combine these with the words "Requiem Aeternam" (Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them). The sopranos and altos quietly intone the words of the Requiem over the exhortation sung by the tenors and basses. The whole choir then comes together on the words "We Will Remember Them" and the work ends quietly with the whole choir singing the word "Requiem" over an extended cadence. The words of the Requiem should act like a lullaby with its gentle rocking rhythm, granting those that have died the eternal rest they deserve. The sopranos and altos are effectively the angels looking after the people who gave their lives for their countries. (Adrian Connell) |
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